Working Smarter
Statewide Access to Curriculum
The ADP Academy was launched as part of a 15 county effort to turn Arizona blue. Over the years fellow Democrats and partner organizations have developed the kind of training that help us win elections. ADP Academy aggregates best practices into online curriculum. This new platform will allow the unique training and educational needs that each of our 15 counties have to meet. This is a free service to ADP members and organizations.
ADP Academy Partners
Curriculum Contributors

Curriculum Contribution Requirements
Developing curriculum is a rigorous process. We make it as simple as possible for our partner organizations. There are a few steps that contributors need to take in order to transform in-person presentations into online courses. ADP & WHT professionals curate and digitize the content to maximize learning and user experience. If you have any questions, please contact [email protected]
Power Point or Google Slides Presentation (Required)
Script to be read for each slide (Required)
Instructor Name (Optional)
Submitting Org Logo or Instructor Picture (Optional)
Submitting Org or Instructor Bio (Optional)
Syllabus w/ Learning Objectives, Additional Readings & Quiz Questions (Optional)
Frequently Asked Questions
Is there any cost involved?
There is no cost to submit a course of take a course. Our goal is to make information more accessible.
Why not do more in-person courses?
Arizona is a large state with millions of people and diverse needs. Converting existing resources into digital courses allows us to reach more people than ever before.
Will there still be in-person training?
Each of our Counties, LD, and partner organizations will continue to deliver their in-person courses. ADP Academy is an additional tool.
Can we expect more courses?
ADP seeks to aggregate the great work our fellow Democrats have developed. We are eager to grow the course catalog. Please submit your courses as soon as possible.
Do we transfer ownership of our content when we submit it to ADP Academy?
The submitting individual/organization retains the rights to the material. ADP looks to make your information more accessible to fellow Democrats.
Does everyone have access to the same courses?
Everyone has access to an introductory set of courses revolving around civic engagement. There are additional courses for registered Democrats who Volunteer, PCs, Board Members, as well as other specialized training. Those courses will be accessible to individuals whose roles require it.
Who is eligible to submit a course?
Any program in alignment with ADP core values will be considered as part of the available curriculum.