
Former ADLCC Political Manager and Finance Director

Savannah Drake

Savannah Drake is a native Southern Californian but has called Arizona home for 5+ years. As the first person in her family to graduate from college, Savannah studied the opportunity gap for people coming from different socioeconomic, racial, and cultural backgrounds. While following her passion for education, she learned that the opportunity gap stems from something greater than the classroom, and now works in progressive campaigns to promote candidates who will fight for equality in the education system.

Course Highlights

  • Volunteer Recruitment

    Learn the process

  • Volunteer Tactics

    Expert Advice

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Volunteer Recruitment

    • ADP Academy Video Lesson - Volunteer Recruitment

    • Volunteer Recruitment Syllabus

    • Volunteer Recruitment Transcript

  • 2

    Knowledge Check

    • Volunteer Recruitment Knowledge Check

  • 3

    Follow Up Survey (Optional)

    • Volunteer Recruitment Survey

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