
Former ADP Vice Chair

Damián Preciado

Damian Preciado is a former Vice Chair for the Arizona Democratic Party (ADP). He also chaired the Technology & Innovation committee for ADP. He has previously served on the executive board as Affirmative Action Moderator. He was first elected to ADP as a LD 24 precinct committeeman and then to 2nd chair of the LD 24 executive board. In every role, Damian has worked to make the party more diverse, inclusive, and accessible. Damian works as managing partner of a technology company and executive director of a progressive think tank. In addition, he spends his family time with his wife Sandra, their two dogs, and one feisty cat.

Course Highlights

  • Voter Registration

    Why is important?

  • Legal Notes

    Important stuff!

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Messaging PEVL

    • ADP Video Lesson - Intro to Voter Registration

    • Intro to Voter Registration Syllabus

    • Intro to Voter Registration Transcript

  • 2

    Knowledge Check

    • Intro to Voter Registration Knowledge Check

  • 3

    Follow Up Survey (Optional)

    • Intro to Voter Registration Survey

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